Friday, April 5, 2013

Whoop! Week 1 of No Social Media ACCOMPLISHED
A friend of the family braided my hair! Isn't it pretty?
Hi guys! I am back (for the weekend at least). I hope you all are wondering how my first week of being completely social media free went. Because that's what I'll be sharing with you today. Yay!

Focus on Volunteer Work 
Well, I've been keeping track of my time with the Pomodoro Technique (which remains super-helpful to me in actually getting stuff done that needs to be done). What my time-tracking tells me is that, yes, I have been able to focus a LOT more since cutting the cord to Facebook and such. And surprisingly, I haven't even missed it that much.

Yes, I do miss talking with my friends on there, but I don't feel the urge to message them EVERY TIME they log on EVERY DAY. It's extremely liberating.
A hat I crocheted to send back home to my mom.
Focus on Family
I did watch two or three movies with my family, and we hung out more than usual. On the other hand, I still spent a lot of time hermited away in my room, soooo I'd still like to improve on that area.

My 10-year-old nephew DID, however, teach me how to do a really cool stick-spinning trick that he learned in wushu class. I felt so awesome once I'd got down the basics of how to do it.

Watch out, Jackie Chan.

Focus on Camp NaNoWriMo
I tried the write-a-novel-long-hand-thing... for about three seconds. While I did manage to do some character mapping and story outlining in a notebook, I just feel more comfortable writing out the story itself on the computer in Word. While I might not feel as cool doing it that way, it gets the job done and honestly I don't freeze up as much when faced with a blank Word document as opposed to when faced with a blank notebook page. Weird. Oh well, if it works, it works.

So, How'd it Go?
I'd say the first week went pretty well work-wise, but I could definitely improve on the family and Camp NaNoWriMo aspects of my life.

So what have you been up to this week? Let me know!

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