Etsy is basically an online marketplace where anyone can put up things for sale that they have made by hand. Being a handcrafter, myself, I really enjoy seeing the creations that others have brought into the world and how others are receiving them through the Etsy platform. I also love the idea of directly supporting average folk like myself rather than always going to faceless chain stores. Even though my wallet doesn't really allow me to dip into the Etsy waters for personal things, I would love to be able to turn to the stores on there later when I am in need of a special gift for someone.
I figured that since I find a lot of things I like on there, I would share some of my favorites with you on here. I have to admit that I got this idea in part from my crafty photographer friend Tori Yardsley, who shows off handmade finds of her own on her blog via her Etsy Anthology series.
So without further ado, let's get this show on the road!
To Admire
Dandelion painting from LisbonStore on Etsy. $75. |
To Wear
Wool Felt Bow Barrette from LoftFullOfGoodies on Etsy. $12. |
One shop that I count among my favorites is LoftFullOfGoodies with its adorable yet elegant felt accessories. When you combine the character of wool felt and the appeal of a simple, pretty hairbow, I'm all over that.
To Use
Plant markers by fromArtisanHands on Etsy. 3 for $21. |
Spring is coming! Besides warmer weather, it also brings about the perfect time to garden. My mom loves growing her own flowers and herbs, so even though I'm terrible at keeping plants alive, myself, when I saw these plant markers I instantly thought of her. Aren't they charming? I love the look of glazed ceramics.
I hope you enjoyed this little peek at the wonderful creations that can be found on Etsy. I encourage you to do some browsing around yourself. Maybe while you're there you'll find something that you absolutely have to have, or a gift for someone else.
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